Southwest Detroit Family of Parishes
The Archdiocese of Detroit Synod in 2016 called for a complete renewal of the Archdiocese. All the parishes were placed in groupings called the Family of Parishes. In 2021, Most Holy Trinity Parish was placed in the Southwest Detroit Family. Other parishes include the Basilica of Ste. Anne de Detroit, Our Lady of Guadalupe, St. Francis of Assisi-St. Hedwig, St. Juan Diego and Holy Cross Hungarian. A team of priests led by a moderator oversees the pastoral care of the parishes in the Family. There is a Family Pastoral Council which consists of the clergy and two representatives from each of the parishes. Whereas each parish has its own Finance Council, there is a Family Finance Team to help provide collaboration between the parishes. It is chaired by the moderator and two representatives from each parish. The Family employs a mission support director to work with the respective parish finance councils. The Family also employs mission direct leaders for Discipleship Formation, Engagement & Evangelization, Evangelical Charity, Ministries to families, and Worship. The Family develops a missionary strategic plan to guide the work of the Family.
The moderator of the Southwest Detroit Family of Parishes is Msgr. Chuck Kosanke, who is also pastor of Most Holy Trinity Parish.